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لا تجد نفسك أبدًا بدون هذا الملحق الذي تم وضعه بشكل مثالي مع مجموعة Citron. تسوق من مجموعتنا الأنيقة اليوم واكتشف عبوات ثلج غير تقليدية للتبريد ، وحاويات صلصة صغيرة للحصول على نكهة إضافية ، ومخطط وجبات ذكي لسهولة التنظيم وغير ذلك الكثير.

136 منتجات

  • Are accessories included with all Citron products?

    No, while some Citron products come with a selection of accessories, all of our accessories can be bought separately in the store or on our website.

  • Can we buy Citron accessories separately?

    Yes, all of our accessories are sold separately on the website ( and in our Flagship store.

  • Can I personalize my Citron accessories?

    No, we don’t have an option to personalize our accessories. However, many of our products can be personalised.

  • How should I clean my cutlery case?

    Your Citron Cutlery set can be put in your dishwasher (without the silicone case) to be cleaned or you can handwash it. To wash the silicone case, turn it inside out and gently handwash it with warm ...soapy water and leave to air-dry overnight.

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  • Which sized lid do I need with my Citron Water Bottle?

    All of our lids will fit all sizes of Citron Water Bottles.

  • What do I do if I lose my Citron Food Jar lock/silicone seal?

    You can contact our support team to get a replacement on