أفكار لانش بوكس

بوريتوس بقري ، طماطم كرزية وخضروات
بوريتوس بقري - طماطم كرزية🍒 - جزر عنب أخضر - عنب أحمر مقادير بوريتوس اللحم البقري : تورتيلا القمح الكامل خس لحم مفروم حبات الذرة الحلوة🌽 مزيج الفليفلة المقطعة بصل...
بوريتوس بقري ، طماطم كرزية وخضروات
بوريتوس بقري - طماطم كرزية🍒 - جزر عنب أخضر - عنب أحمر مقادير بوريتوس اللحم البقري : تورتيلا القمح الكامل خس لحم مفروم حبات الذرة الحلوة🌽 مزيج الفليفلة المقطعة بصل...

Love letter lunchbox
What’s in the 🍋 Citron 🍋 lunchbox today? Strawberry Jam Sandwich Envelopes - Cucumber sticks and hearts - Carrot sticks and hearts - Baby Corn - Blueberries and Strawberry hearts...
Love letter lunchbox
What’s in the 🍋 Citron 🍋 lunchbox today? Strawberry Jam Sandwich Envelopes - Cucumber sticks and hearts - Carrot sticks and hearts - Baby Corn - Blueberries and Strawberry hearts...

Dolphin Sandwich with cheddar cheese
What’s in the LunchBox today 🍋? Dolphin Sandwich with cheddar cheese -Strawberries-Blueberries-Grapes-Cheese Sticks-Bell Peppers sticks Ingredients (Dolphin Sandwich) : Bread SlicesCheddar Cheese slice Seaweed for eyes Method: Place Cheddar Cheese slice in between...
Dolphin Sandwich with cheddar cheese
What’s in the LunchBox today 🍋? Dolphin Sandwich with cheddar cheese -Strawberries-Blueberries-Grapes-Cheese Sticks-Bell Peppers sticks Ingredients (Dolphin Sandwich) : Bread SlicesCheddar Cheese slice Seaweed for eyes Method: Place Cheddar Cheese slice in between...

Mini Beef Burgers
What’s in the 🍋 Citron 🍋 lunchbox today? Mini Beef Burgers 🍔 – Cucumber – Carrot - Kiwis & Strawberries 🍓 Mini Beef Burger Ingredients : Mini Burger BunsLettuce Avocado 🥑 slicesTomatoes...
Mini Beef Burgers
What’s in the 🍋 Citron 🍋 lunchbox today? Mini Beef Burgers 🍔 – Cucumber – Carrot - Kiwis & Strawberries 🍓 Mini Beef Burger Ingredients : Mini Burger BunsLettuce Avocado 🥑 slicesTomatoes...

Tuna Mayo Celery Sandwich
What’s in the 🍋 Citron Lunch Box today 🍋 ?Tuna Mayo Celery Sandwich – Cucumber, Cherry Tomatoes and Baby Corn Salad -Boiled Egg – Green & Black Grapes – Dates...
Tuna Mayo Celery Sandwich
What’s in the 🍋 Citron Lunch Box today 🍋 ?Tuna Mayo Celery Sandwich – Cucumber, Cherry Tomatoes and Baby Corn Salad -Boiled Egg – Green & Black Grapes – Dates...

Mexican Tacos
Do It Yourself Mexican Tacos Ingredients : - Wheat Tortillas - Fresh Capsicum (red,yellow, & green) - Shredded Cheddar Cheese -Sweet Corn - Grilled chicken- Cherry Tomatoes-Avocado Guacamole -Lemon juice-cream ...
Mexican Tacos
Do It Yourself Mexican Tacos Ingredients : - Wheat Tortillas - Fresh Capsicum (red,yellow, & green) - Shredded Cheddar Cheese -Sweet Corn - Grilled chicken- Cherry Tomatoes-Avocado Guacamole -Lemon juice-cream ...